Waste Wood Shredding & Recycling

Waste Wood Shredding & Recycling

Waste wood is a valuable resource available in large quantities. Based on the quality grades, the waste wood can be used for material recycling or energy production. In today’s world, the importance of waste wood recycling is increasing due to rising cost of waste material disposal and environmental concerns. Recycled waste wood is used for the production of chipboard, preparation of wood-based materials, briquette making and as high-grade fuel in biomass based thermal power stations.

We at Fornnax Technology manufacture different models of one shaft Shredders, Twin Shaft Shredders, and Granulators varying in their capacities and processing rates, with low-speed and high-torque, for the processing of wood materials and scrap wood waste. Our wood shredders are effective solutions for high capacity primary processing of mixed wood for metal recovery and for size reduction of bulky woody materials. We provide equipments with low operating and maintenance costs. Our Waste Wood Recycling Shredder Machine can process a wide range of woody materials without any damage to the equipments. Fornnax Technology provides both Single-shaft and Dual-shaft shredders for the recycling of waste wood with high performance. Our equipments can be used for the recycling of any kind of waste wood.



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wood waste

Different types of packing cases and cable drums are made using wood. The wood waste is generated after the use of these cases and drums. It is estimated that over 50 million tons of packing wood waste is generated every year in the world. Fornnax Shredders are efficient, effective and low-cost machines for the shredding of packing wood waste.


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wood pallet

The pallet is a flat transport structure made up of wood and used for supporting goods in a stable condition during transportation. Broken pallets can be size reduced and recycled to be used as an energy source in the power plant or in the paper mill. Fornnax Shredders are customized to provide complete solution for the shredding of wood pallets in a reliable and economical manner.


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wood waste

In every construction activity wood is used in one form or other. Wood waste is considered as the second largest component of construction and demolition debris. Millions of tons of such construction wood wastes are generated in India due to various Smart City projects and also at global level due to rising world population and housing requirements. Fornnax Shredders are available at affordable price as a customized shredding solution for the recycling and reuse of construction wood waste.